Saturday, December 01, 2007

MTV's Virtual Music Video Contest

Too cold to leave the house this weekend? Just bored in general? What a perfect situation for you to play around on the internet and listen to some cool bands at the same time (and possibly win sweet prizes).

Up until Monday, there is a contest going on over at MTV's Virtual Worlds. All you have to do is create your own Virtual Music video out of one 5 songs provided to enter into the contest. Grand prize is Sony Vegas Pro 8 video and audio editing software (retailed at $585). Plus, winning videos will be displayed at and in MTV's Virtual Worlds!. Also 2 first prize winners get $2000 MTV dollars. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Two of the bands you can pick from are highly recommended by yours truly (Saves the Day and Dr. Manhattan)

If this sounds like something you're down with, click the link above or the banner below here to get started.

Remember, the contest ends on Monday so get to work!

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