Tuesday, July 01, 2008

July, July!

Happy July! One of my favorite summer rituals happens every year on this day. I spent most of my hellish 45 minute commute this morning listening to July, July! by The Decemberists. Check out the Let's Trade Muxtape for the song.

Listen: The Decemberists - July, July!

The other exciting thing about July 1 is that NHL free agency begins today. So, I'll be checking out this page quite often.

If you had no idea that it was already July, maybe you should get yourself a calendar. The above images can be downloaded from Nubbytwiglet.com and are sized to fit in a CD jewel case. She's crafty, like ice is cold.

Forthcoming: a review of the fantastic Tom Waits show I saw in Knoxville this weekend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the mention!

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