Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I don't know why I like Tune-Yards

Tune-Yards is what one might call "experimental", which is a genre I usually despise. It makes me madder than an old man chasing kids off his lawn with a hose. Call it a sound collage, or something you recorded when you were high, but please don't call it music if it just sounds like you put a Nintendo through the juicer.

Tune-Yards is most definitely music, and very interesting at that. A girl named Merrill Garbil from Montreal chants and moans over pre-recorded sound effects and a ukulele. At first, it seems like nothing but noise. But with only her digital voice recorder and a computer, she's created complex compositions of sound that build up occasionally into all-out rock songs. There's a time signature, there's a melody, there's a progression from beginning to middle to end, and that makes the skeleton. Then it's dressed up with all these weird sounds that make it wonderful and different from anything else I've ever heard.

You can order the album Bird-Brains from tuneyards.com by paying any amount you wish. Her MySpace page mentions that there's a vinyl version of the record coming out March 10th.

MP3: Tune-Yards - Fiya
MP3: Tune-Yards - Sunlight

1 comment:

Ben said...

Random add on Twitter helped me FINALLY find that tUnE-YaRdS album so thanks a lot

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